Decentralized GPU Compute and Machine Learning Infrastructure

Empowering Innovation through Distributed Computing
Solutions for AI and GPU-intensive Workloads

Launch DAPP

Key Infrastructure Providers:

All Docker apps run on TAOlie

What Sets Us Apart?

Truly Decentralized Marketplace

Commit or Access Global Compute Resources Securely!

Super Ultrasound Money

100% of TAOlie is in circulation, there is zero inflation; On the contary, there will be strong deflationary pressure on the token as a percentage of protocol revenue will buy TAOlie from the market and burn it.

Proven Success

A FULLY Doxxed Team Behind the Development of TAOlie!

By The Numbers


TAOlie staked to mine TAO during EARLY ACCESS


Subnets Available


Uptime Rate

What Are The Server


  • Commit GPUs
  • Rent GPUs with NO Dockers
  • Mine TAO
  • Render the Metaverse
  • Train Models


  • Guaranteed Security
  • Immediate Recovery
  • Reliable Uptime
  • Privacy Protection
  • Flexible Scaling

About TAOlie

TAOlie started as a playful meme inspired by the South Park character, emerging from the Bittensor TAO network. Today, TAOlie is committed to providing decentralized compute power for incentivized machine learning to the masses, offering 1-click deployment from our platform. Initially, we showcased our proof of concept by supplying compute resources through a network of private GPUs and system providers.

After successfully scaling and creating significant value with our initial project on the Bittensor network, we are now poised for the next phase of our journey with TAOlie.


A purple towel is the
most useful thing in
the universe as it
powers the mind of
Decentralized AI.

Trusted Team:

Powers TAOlie's

TAOlie Pioneers

global, affordable

Private GPU

network drives
TAOlie's compute

Scaling Success

propels TAOlie

Our Roadmap

Website Launch

launch website for decentralized AI compute and rendering the metaverse. Introduce staking that will allow TAOlie holders to earn 70% of ecosystem revenues. Complete documents and whitepapers will be available at this time. Users will be able to deploy instances on the Bittensor subents with payment in TAOlie tokens allowing users to begin earning tao in minutes at the click of a button.


launch a bridge enabling smooth sailing of assets to and from the Solana, Bittensor, Ethereum and other major blockchains. expand AI compute server network to allow for exponential demand.


Launching a decentralized stablecoin, USDtao, on the Tao Network, taking inspiration from Frax's design, where all seigniorage value accrues to benefits the TAOlie token. This coin stays fully collateralized, with 1 USD to 1 USDC redemption always available, ensuring a tight peg through arbitrage and full supply redemption. We applaud Frax's robust design and success and believe Tao Network participants deserve access to a stablecoin of similar caliber.

Expand Compute Network

expand compute network and community staking rewards to facilitate the flow of 90% of all profits earned in the ecosystem back to stakers. 5% of revenue will be retained for the marketing and expansion wallet. 5% of revenue will be retained for the team.

TAOlie Dao

create the TAOlie dao and transfer ownership of all assets to a multi-sig wallet controlled by the dao. all improvement proposals will be proposed by the community, voted on and ratified by the token holders.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is TAOlie's decentralized compute marketplace?

    TAOlie’s platform stands at the forefront of the decentralization wave, offering a marketplace that facilitates the rental of GPU power. Allowing TAOlie holders the ability to commit unused GPU resources, rent GPU clusters, and utilize pre-built mining templates designed in-house for Bittensor TAO mining, TAOlie is changing the landscape and allowing anyone to participate in the Bittensor ecosystem.

  • For those who are committing GPUs to the TAOlie ecosystem, those users will receive 70% of the revenue generated from their GPU. 30% is retained by the ecosystem for marketing and development.

  • TAOlie provides users with pre-built templates for specific subnets within the Bittensor ecosystem. This allows users with no AI or MLL knowledge the ability to compete in the Bittensor ecosystem. These templates, built in-house, are constantly updated and the team is always working to make them more competitive.

  • The ability to commit GPUs is coming very soon. An official announcement will be made in the groups Telegram channel first, and commiting GPUs will be one of the first features of the DAPP.

  • There are a number of benefits for those looking to utilize TAOlie's Decentralized Compute Marketplace and there is something for everyone within the ecosystem-staking, lending, renting and mining. Reach out to a team member and let us know if you have any questions about what works best for you!